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Privacy Policy

This following statement explains how Harley Clinical Psychology Ltd collects, holds, uses and protects your data and information about you under General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

What data do we collect and hold?

  • We collect your personal data such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number and email address, emergency contact details and GP details.

  • We collect personal data from you and any third parties acting on your behalf (such as insurers, solicitors, etc). 

  • We also collect information about your healthcare, and any information relevant to your psychological healthcare. This may include financial information when making payments to us. 

What do we use this information for?

  • We use this personal information for the purposes of the provision of psychological assessment and treatment services to you.

  • It may also be necessary to use the information to assist in managing complaints or litigation relevant to the services that we provide to you.

  • Anonymised data may also be used for audit purposes, to monitor and market the clinical effectiveness of our services.

Who do we share your information with?

  • We may share information with other healthcare professionals involved in your care if there is risk of harm apparent or with your permission.

  • Where relevant we may also share information with insurers or others paying for the services that we provide to you. In some cases this may be your employer or solicitor.

  • We may also share your information with others who we ask to become involved in providing a service as part of the services that we provide to you.

  • In some situations we may be legally required to share information.

  • If we do share your information, we will make sure that the appropriate data protection standards are complied with. 

How do we protect your data?

  • We ensure that any data that we store is held securely on password protected IT equipment, paper records stored in locked filing cabinets, and/or information stored securely on cloud-based data management systems.

  • Where possible we ensure that email attachments with any clinically sensitive information are password protected.

What are my rights?

Under General Data Protection regulation (2018) you have the right to request a copy of the data we hold about you - to rectify anything that is incorrect, to request deletion of your data, or to withdraw your consent at any time. 

How do I contact you? 

If you have any queries with regards to data protection or data storage issues, or if you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, please contact:  Dr Liz White (Director), 41a Baldock Street, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 9DH,

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Contact us a number of ways by phone/text, email or through our contact form below.


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